Providing Supportive Senior Home Care in North Vancouver and West Vancouver.

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Compassionate Care at Home

Exceptional home health care tailored to your loved ones needs, offering comfort and support where they belong at home. Welcome to the Compassionate Care at Home Corner! At Holistic Total Care, we believe that home is where compassion flourishes, and we are dedicated to illuminating the beauty of caring within the familiar walls of home. Here, we share heartwarming stories, practical advice, and insights into the power of personalized care. From nurturing independence to providing specialized support for unique needs, our aim is to create a safe place where empathy, kindness, and support converge. Come along on a journey with us as we uncover the meaningful impact of compassionate care, enhancing lives and creating a nurturing environment within the comforting embrace of home.


Effective Strategies for Connection Between Clients and Caregivers


 -Recognize that Care Begins with Attentive Listening
 -Cultivate Patience in Your Interactions
 -Establishing Trust and Security
- Exercise Patience in Approaching clients
 -Promoting Compassion
 -Bring Unexpected Joy to Their Experience and Stories

January 01, 2024

Building Timeless Bonds

Create meaningful connections with a loved one with dementia by integrating activities that tap into cherished memories and foster a sense of nostalgia. Engage in housebound activities by creating a memory book with old photos, tending to house and garden plants, listening to favourite music, watching beloved shows or movies, working on puzzles and indulging in arts and crafts like painting, drawing, knitting, or crocheting together.


Embracing the Dementia Journey

Explore the heartfelt journey of supporting loved ones with dementia. Discover the power of empathy, understanding, and the strength found in journeying together on this unique path. At Holistic Total Care, we delve into the heartfelt journey of supporting loved ones with dementia. We focus on understanding, empathy, and creating a supportive space for our clients on this unique journey. Our caring caregivers, along with our client's families, navigate this path together, embracing compassion and fostering a safe environment of support and empathy. By following these principles, caregivers can create a more empathetic and supportive environment for individuals living with dementia. These strategies focus on positive communication and minimizing stress and confusion for both the individual and the caregiver.

Agree,Never Argue: Instead of arguing, try to agree with their reality. It can help avoid frustration and maintain a positive atmosphere.

Redirect, Never Reason: If they seem upset or confused, gently redirect their attention to a different topic or activity rather than trying to reason with them, which may cause frustration.

Distract, Never Shame: When faced with challenging situations, distract them with a more positive or engaging activity. Avoid shaming or criticizing, as it can be detrimental to their well-being.

Reassure, Never Lecture: Reassure them and provide comfort instead of lecturing. Lectures may lead to confusion and anxiety, while reassurance can offer a sense of security.

Reminisce, Never Say "Remember": Engage in reminiscing about the past without explicitly asking them to remember. This can trigger positive memories and create a more positive interaction.

Repeat, Never Say "I Told You So":Be patient and willing to repeat information. Avoid expressing frustration or saying "I told you so," as it may lead to feelings of inadequacy.

Ask, Never Command: Use a gentle and supportive tone when making requests. Asking instead of commanding helps preserve their sense of autonomy and dignity.                                                                                                                                 

January 11,2024


Enhancing Lives With Our Services

We provide compassionate support, ensuring comfort and well being for your loved ones in the familiar surroundings of their home. At Holistic Total Care, our dedication to enhancing lives is at the core of everything we do. From providing compassionate companionship to offering specialized care for seniors and individuals with disabilities, we take pride in offering a holistic approach. Our services encompass tailored assistance for daily activities, medication reminders, meal preparation, transportation, and night care, ensuring round-the-clock support. Whether it's dementia and Alzheimer's care, post-hospital support, or palliative care, our commitment remains unwavering—to empower and enrich lives through personalized, attentive, and compassionate home care services.                      

January 24,2024

When Should You Consider Hiring a Caregiver?

       Some Tips for Recognition

    • Balance Issues

    • Decline in Personal Care
    • Forgetfulness
    • Missing Doses of Medications
    • Driving Issues
    • Decline in Home Environment
    • Depression or Loneliness
    • Trouble with meal preparation or eating
    • Social withdrawal or isolation
    • Increased susceptibility to accidents or injuries
    • Inability to manage household chores independently
  • Recognizing these signs can help you determine when it might be necessary to seek additional support for your loved one in the form of a caregiver. It's important to address these issues promptly to ensure the safety, well-being, and quality of life of your loved one.
  • February 15, 2024         


Brain Boosting Activities for Seniors' Health

Puzzles and Games: Engaging in puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, card matching games, Chess or jigsaw puzzles can stimulate the brain, improve problem-solving skills, and enhance cognitive function.

Revitalizing Past Hobbies: playing a musical instrument, painting, or gardening, keeps the brain active and engaged.

Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity benefits not only the body but also the brain. Activities like walking, swimming, or Tai Chi not only increase blood flow to the brain but also support the growth of new brain cells and improve cognitive function.

Socializing: Maintaining social connections and engaging in activities with friends and family can help reduce feelings of isolation.Additionally, such interactions stimulate the brain, and improve overall mental well-being.

Reading books, newspaper and magazine: Reading regularly stimulates the brain, improves vocabulary and comprehension, and can help prevent cognitive decline in older adults.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress, improve focus and attention, and promote overall brain health in seniors.

Brain Training Apps: There are various apps and online programs specifically designed to train and stimulate the brain, improving cognitive function, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Healthy Diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients that support brain health in seniors.

Creative Expression: Engaging in creative activities such as writing, drawing, pottery or crafting can stimulate the brain, promote emotional well-being, and improve cognitive function.

Stimulating Senses: Incorporating activities that engage the senses can have profound effects on the mental well-being of seniors.

Incorporating these brain-boosting activities into their daily routine can help seniors maintain cognitive function, memory retention, and overall mental well-being as they age. It's essential to encourage a variety of activities to keep the brain stimulated and engaged.

                                                                                                                           February 22, 2024


Stimulating Senses for Senior Mental Wellness

1. Sight: Taking a nature walk in a beautiful garden or park, observing colourful flowers and lush greenery.
2.Hearing: Listening to calming music or the soothing sounds of nature, such as birds chirping or waves crashing on the shore.
3. Touch: Participating in tactile activities like gardening, knitting, or pottery, where seniors can feel different textures and materials with their hands.
4.Taste: Cooking or baking together, trying out new recipes, and savouring the flavors of different foods and ingredients.
5. Smell: Creating aromatherapy blends using essential oils, or enjoying the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, baking bread, or blooming flowers.
February 29, 2024



Seven simple activities to enhance quality of life and bring joy through safe workouts with your elderly loved one

  1. Gentle Strolls: Relaxed walks together in a a safe environment, such as a park or around the neighbourhood, allow them to enjoy the fresh air and scenery while engaging in light exercise. 

  2. Chair Exercises: Incorporate seated exercises that focus on improving strength, flexibility, and mobility. Use resistance bands or light weights for added challenge.

  3. Memory Lane Strolls: Take walks down memory lane by visiting familiar places or looking through old photo albums. Reminiscing can stimulate conversation, boost mood, and add a sense of nostalgia to the exercise routine. Walking provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, promotes joint mobility, and offers opportunities for social interaction and enjoying nature.

  4. Dance Sessions: Put on some favourite tunes and have a dance party at home. Dancing is a fun way to get moving, improve mood, lift spirits and it can be adapted to suit different mobility levels. Encourage your loved one to dance along at their own pace, enjoying the rhythm and movement.

  5. Gardening: Spend time outdoors together tending to a garden or potted plants. Gardening activities like watering, planting, and weeding can provide gentle exercise and a sense of accomplishment.

  6. Balloon Volleyball: Use a balloon to play a seated volleyball game. This activity promotes hand-eye coordination, encourages movement and brings laughter.

  7. Tai Chi or Yoga: Explore gentle forms of Tai Chi or yoga designed specifically for seniors. These practices not only help improve balance, flexibility, and relaxation but also promote overall well-being.

Remember to tailor activities to your loved one's abilities and preferences, and always prioritize safety and enjoyment. 

March 25,2024


Engaging and Enjoyable Activities for Seniors Living with Dementia,Enhancing Quality of Life Through Meaningful Interactions


Engaging activities are essential for older adults with dementia as they can help stimulate their minds, improve mood, and foster social connections. Here are some fun and beneficial activities tailored for individuals with dementia:

Card Matching: Matching games can help stimulate cognitive function and memory. You can create a simple card matching game using large, easy-to-see cards with images of familiar objects, animals, or symbols.

Play Dough: Play dough is a versatile and tactile activity that can provide sensory stimulation and encourage creativity. You can provide different colours of play dough and simple tools like cookie cutters or rolling pins for them to manipulate and shape.

Untying Knots: Working with materials like ropes or strings to untie knots can be a great way to improve dexterity and hand-eye coordination. You can provide ropes of varying thickness and complexity for them to practice on.

Watching Documentaries: Watching documentaries can be both entertaining and educational, offering insights into various subjects and cultures. Choose documentaries on topics they are interested in or that feature familiar places or events from their past.

Arranging Flowers: Flower arranging is a calming and creative activity that can provide sensory stimulation and a sense of accomplishment. You can provide a variety of flowers, foliage, and vases for them to arrange into beautiful bouquets or centerpieces.

Cooking or Baking: Simple cooking or baking activities, such as making no-bake cookies or preparing sandwiches, can engage the senses and provide a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, focusing on tasks that are safe and manageable for their skill level ensures a positive and enjoyable experience.

Animal Therapy: Interaction with therapy animals, such as dogs or cats, can provide comfort and joy. Furthermore, even watching fish in an aquarium or birds outside a window can be calming and entertaining.

Stopping to Smell the Roses: This activity involves taking a moment to appreciate the beauty and fragrance of flowers, which can be calming and provide sensory stimulation.

Preparing Afternoon Tea: Hosting an afternoon tea session involves brewing tea, arranging snacks, and creating a social gathering around the enjoyment of food and drink.

Creating Photo Albums: This activity involves organizing photos into albums, reminiscing about past memories, and fostering connections through storytelling.

Enjoying Conversational Connections: Engaging in conversations with others can stimulate social interaction, communication skills, and memory recall.

Empowering with Makeup: A comforting beauty routine can offer seniors a sense of pampering and rejuvenation while fostering memories from their youth.  Moreover, encouraging them to engage in makeup at their own pace, allowing them to participate in enhancing their sense of well-being and dignity, and reminisce about past experiences with cosmetics.

                                                                                                                             May 05,2024


Delivering Compassionate and Competent Care to your Home

Contact Us Today

Ensure your loved one receives proper care during the late stage of their life. We can provide a free in-home consultation to determine their specific needs and assign a qualified caregiver who is a perfect match. Reach out to us today.

Reach out to us today at 604.726.8872 for compassionate care services in North Vancouver and West Vancouver.

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